Tag: CoderDojo
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Building community with our Global Clubs Partners
A community for sharing resources, ideas, and knowledge
Celebrating the community: Selin
Watch this young coder's story to see how she's making the world a better place
How do I start my child coding?
Tips on how to start your child coding using free coding resources and activities
Celebrating the community: Jay
Watch the inspiring story of this young coder, digital maker and teacher
Celebrating the community: Cian
A career path inspired by CoderDojo
The Raspberry Pi Build HAT and LEGO® components at our CoderDojo
Inspiring learners about computing with LEGO elements and the Raspberry Pi Build HAT
Celebrate CoderDojo’s 10th birthday with us!
Here's to ten years, and ten years more!
Celebrating the community: Toshan
A teenage coding mentor for Bangalore's young people
Celebrating the community: Laura
Finding friends, making robots, travelling the world
Celebrating the community: Avye
A young teen's story of inspiring other girls about tech
Celebrating European Code Week with our annual EUDojo
Taking CoderDojo to the European Parliament in Brussels
Happy 7th birthday, CoderDojo!
Let's celebrate!