Tag: FutureLearn
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Learn how to teach computing to 5- to 11-year-olds
Ideas and activities to deliver computing lessons for primary or K1–5 children
How do we create engaging online courses for computing educators?
Working to create the best possible free training for teachers
How teachers train in Computing with our free online courses
Teachers of all experience levels can train with us
Is upgrade culture out of date?
What is the natural lifespan of a device?
Can algorithms be unethical?
How large are the decisions you allow algorithms to make?
Your new free online training courses for the autumn term
Three new learning experiences to get your teeth into
Your Back-to-School Bootcamp with our free online training
Smash your personal programming goals this summer
Developer Q&A: brand-new online training courses
More new courses than you can shake a computer at!
Start a CoderDojo with our free online training
Get advice on starting your own Dojo
New free online course about building makerspaces
Learn how build your own makerspace for young people
Transition from Scratch to Python with FutureLearn
Progress from block- to text-based programming
Prepare to run a Code Club on FutureLearn
Practical advice on all things Code Club