17 results for wifi

The official and recommended universal USB WiFi dongle for Raspberry Pi.

This product is now End of Life but stock is still available at some approved resellers.

  • BCM43143 chipset
  • 802.11b/g/n
  • 150Mbps maximum throughput
  • Dimensions 30x16x8mm including USB plug
  • Built-in support in NOOBS and Raspbian
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The official and recommended universal USB WiFi dongle for Raspberry Pi. In our tests, this dongle has performed significantly better than many others on the market, with stronger WiFi reception and better reliability. (This dongle is what everybody who works at Pi Towers uses with their own Pis.) BCM43143 chipset 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps maximum throughput Dimensions 30x16x8mm including… … Continue reading →
The global IT industry generates as much CO2 as the aviation industry. In Hello World issue 17, we learn about the hidden impact of our IT use and the changes we can make from Beverly Clarke, national community manager for Computing at School and author of Computer Science Teacher: Insight Into the Computing Classroom. With… … Continue reading →
Digital Making at Home officially launched six weeks ago…SIX WEEKS AGO! Hooray to us for continuing to practice… … Continue reading →
When you think of the Scouts, do you think of a self-sufficient young person with heaps of creativity, leadership, initiative, and a strong team ethic? So do we! That’s why we’re so excited about our latest opportunity to bring digital making to young people with the world’s leading youth organisation. On 9 and 10 November,… … Continue reading →
Put together your own remote-controlled Curiosity rover with the help of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a Raspberry Pi. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory To educate the curious about the use of rovers in space, the Pasadena-based NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) built a mini-rover, ROV-E, to tour classrooms, museums, and public engagement events. And so engaged… … Continue reading →
In 2015, The Raspberry Pi Foundation built two space-hardened Raspberry Pi units, or Astro Pis, to run student code on board the International Space Station (ISS). Astro Pi upgrades Each school year we run an Astro Pi challenge to find the next generation of space scientists to program them. After the students have their code run… … Continue reading →
Laura: MagPi founder and Scottish Pi event organiser extraordinaire Dr. William Bell has sent us this report from the home of the World Wide Web itself… CERN is the heart of particle physics research, where scientists are working to discover new phenomena using high-energy equipment. These research challenges have driven inventions, such as the World Wide Web and… … Continue reading →
In my day, you were lucky if you had some broken Clackers and a half-sucked, flocculent gobstopper in your trouser pockets. But here I am, half a century later, watching a swarm of school pupils running around the playground with entire computers attached to them. Or microcontrollers, at least. This was Eastlea Community School’s Technology… … Continue reading →
On Saturday, over 100 educators, STEM ambassadors and children attended the Raspberry Pi Day at the University of Strathclyde. The brainchild of Dr William Bell (who did a lot of the heavy lifting when the MagPi was still published by volunteers), it’s the second Pi event to be held in Glasgow this year, and was… … Continue reading →
Earlier this week, after three days of scrubs due to bad weather, the Astro Pi payload (two specially cased Raspberry Pis, Sense HATs and lots of experiments coded by UK school children) was finally launched into space on Orbital Sciences’ Cygnus cargo freighter on its fourth resupply mission to the ISS. The Cygnus spacecraft is… … Continue reading →
When I first joined the Raspberry Pi Foundation, over a year ago now, one of my first assignments was to build a weather station around the Raspberry Pi. Thanks to our friends at Oracle (the large US database company), the Foundation received a grant not only to design and build a Raspberry Pi weather station… … Continue reading →
Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION What is a Raspberry Pi? Can I buy shares in the Raspberry Pi Foundation? BUYING AND SHIPPING Where can I buy a Raspberry Pi? How much does it cost? What do I get when I buy one? Why is the price in US Dollars? You are a UK company! Can I… … Continue reading →
What you will need Required SD Card We recommend an 8GB class 4 SD card – ideally pre-installed with NOOBS. You can buy a card with NOOBS pre-installed, or you can download it for free from our downloads page. Note that the original Raspberry Pi Model A and Raspberry Pi Model B require full-size SD… … Continue reading →
A cheaper, low power spin of the original Raspberry Pi … Continue reading →
Last month we put out a blog post advertising that I would be doing a tour of America, with a rough initial route, and we welcomed requests for visits. Over the next couple of weeks I was overwhelmed with visit requests – I plotted all the locations on a map and created a route aiming to reach as… … Continue reading →
Today I fly to New York to start my Raspberry Pi USA Tour! Thanks to everyone who submitted a request for me to speak for them while on my USA Tour. I’ve adjusted my route according to where most of the requests were located, and I’ve been organising dates with those who contacted me. I’m… … Continue reading →