A project showcase extravaganza!

Digital Making at Home officially launched six weeks ago…SIX WEEKS AGO! Hooray to us for continuing to practice social distancing and exercising our digital making skills to create projects we can be proud of! Every week, we are elated to see how your innovation manifests into games, interactive stories, blurb generators, and more!

You’re constantly raising the bar, digital makers, and we want to celebrate you by showcasing more of your incredible projects this week!

Draw the shape using Scratch and Python

We’re kicking off this showcase with a young digital maker who has been coding with us every week. Talk about raising the bar! Mustafa (9) from Iraq took on the solo mission of leveling up his skills in both Scratch and Python. Now he can draw shapes in both programs like a pro. Mission accomplished, Mustafa!

Scroll bot weather gizmo

Never get caught in the rain again thanks to Jonathan (12) from England who made a gizmo that makes it easy for you to find out what the weather is like! Using a combination of Python, a Scroll Bot Pimoroni kit, and pure digital making talent, Jonathan was able to program this bot to connect to the internet, display the weather status and even the temperature too! We thought our rainbow predictor guide was cool, but this project is even cooler!

Roberto Pi

Meet Roberto, a WiFi-controlled robot car created by duo Dario (18) and Michael (18) from Germany! These two used an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi Model 3B+, and a Raspberry Pi Zero W to build a vehicle along with Python to run their code. That’s not all, it even has obstacle detection to prevent it from crashing into anything thanks to their use of an ultrasonic sensor!

You make this look so easy, digital makers! Showcasing your projects is our favorite part of Digital Making at Home, so share photos, videos, and more with us about your next creation!

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السلام عليكم كيف يمكن المشاركة بالدورات المقامة من قبلكم للأطفال عبر الإنترنيت . ولكن الشكر والتقدير

Reply to علا هاشم مهدي

Ashley Whittaker

Hi ? here is all the stuff we have for kids: https://www.raspberrypi.org/education/

Reply to Ashley Whittaker


Wow. The Scroll bot weather gizmo is a great contraption . Very impressive , especially from someone who is only 9 years old !
Keep up the good work . I’m excited for the next generation of coders !

Reply to Squashpickle


I actually know Jonathan (9) from England and he is actually only 8 and 11 months. So that makes it even more impressive. Thanks for putting his project up! Good job Jonathan! :) – Bewn

Reply to Bewn Lawrey


WOW this jonothan 7 year old kid is good i can finally see the weather for once yayyyyyyyyyyyyy im so excited

Reply to hugawacka jono is smat

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