Welcome Marc – our new Head of Curriculum
Yesterday we welcomed a new member of staff to the Foundation’s growing Education Team. Marc Scott is a former teacher, joining as our new Head of Curriculum.
Marc used to run a Raspberry Pi and Minecraft club at his old school, where he taught Computer Science, and Systems and Control. Marc also used to write all his lesson resources in Markdown and host them on GitHub – which is exactly how we create our resources and projects on this website; we’re excited to see what he’ll contribute.
Originally, Marc started out as a Science teacher, and he’s keen to explore cross-curricular learning, looking at how things like Astro Pi and the Weather Station can be used in the KS3 Science and Geography curricula.

The first page in Marc’s notebook
Marc has a wife, three kids, two dogs and a double black belt in karate and taekwondo. He’s a member of the Open Rights Group, he’s an occasional blogger at coding2learn.org (worth a browse!); he says he’s as comfortable with the terminal as he is in the classroom; and that he’s a dab hand with a soldering iron (let’s see if he passes Gordon’s test). On Monday I asked him to bring in a bootable USB stick if he wanted to install Linux on his laptop – he said “I tend to use a standard Ubuntu server install and build up from there – I use i3 as a windows manager anyway, and hate all the bloat that comes with Ubuntu Desktop.” – we think he’s going to fit in around here just fine.
Welcome Marc!
Raspberry Pi Staff Helen Lynn
Great to have you, Marc – welcome!
Raspberry Pi Staff Liz Upton
*Waving across room*
Hi Marc!
Michael Horne
Welcome to the madhouse Marc!
Tom West
Could the website have a handy place listing all the RPi’s people and their roles? That would make it easier to contact the right person about thing.
Tim Richardson
Looking forward to great things, Marc.
Alan Mc
Glad to see you on board the bustling good ship Raspberry. Quite a line-up now.
Looking forward to discovering your future contributions to the Pi ecosystem! Bienvenue ;o)
Matt Richardson
Welcome Marc! Looking forward to meeting you next time I visit Pi Towers.
Raspberry Pi Staff Eben Upton
Isothermal atmosphere, innit?
This is great. The Wducation team is growing.
Any plans for Primary school resources?
Eldest is 8, youngest is 4 so selfish question.
Several of the resources already here are great for primary. I have used them with year 3 to year 6 children :)
Daniel Grammatica
Miss you Marc :(
Daniel Grammatica
Looks like your having a great time.