‘Educating with Raspberry Pi’ at Maker Faire

You may have noticed on Twitter (or from their absence) that some of our team were away in San Francisco last week for Maker Faire. Clive, Carrie Anne and Alex Bradbury joined forces with Pimoroni and ran a stall promoting Raspberry Pi and its use in education.

Here’s a video MAKE put out, featuring Clive talking about some of our recent developments such as the free educational material for everyone to teachlearn and make with Raspberry Pi:

The team spoke to a lot of people at Maker Faire, gave talks, visited hackspaces and crammed a lot of outreach in to the trip – so once they’ve recovered we’ll be sharing their experiences and adventures in further blog posts.

I’ve just booked a trip to America myself – I’ll be doing a tour of the States this summer, from 4th – 21st August starting and ending in New York City. We’ll put out a post about this later, but I’ll be looking to visit as many hackspaces, schools and communities as possible while I’m out there – particularly areas the team hasn’t covered before (I quite fancy a taste of Albuquerque for some reason…) – so watch this space for the call for visit requests! Or whet my appetite in the comments below.



While strolling through Maker Faire (being dragged hither and yon by my 6 year old) I saw Carrie Anne in the R-Pi booth. I pointed her out to my daughter (“Do you know who that is? She is a famous person!”) at which Carrie Anne looked a little surprised. I added (“…well, if you read the right websites.”) We scored a Pi-logo bag/backpack and some stickers- thank you!


Not sure I’m even Z list worthy. Was nice to meet so many people though. I had such a great time.


Carrie Anne your on our ‘pi’ list… way above everyone else!


In my mind, any educator, or inventor is way above movie or sports stars, and I’m attempting to pass the same values to my kids. I need to gather more supplies to start using my RPi, chipkit pi, and arduino’s more effectively, but I have been showing my 6 year old son what I can so far.


Ben, I thought you wanted to go to Albuquerque because of the Weird Al song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE37e1eK2mY


Oh my…


You should go to Maryland. We have limited hack spaces. At the Silver Spring Mini Maker Faire, there was 1 pi total! Perhaps you could visit University of Maryland, they have many(emphasis on the many) Raspberry Pi’s.


I *promised* some folk from Kansas that you would go there! :)


Can’t wait for a touring schedule! If you come anywhere near Oklahoma(Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas), my family will definitely make it out!


Would it be possible to book a whistle -stop for Germany? Our brews may not be as potent as Albuquerque, but I’m sure they’d provide an interesting contrast…


If you’re going to be in Maryland, please stop by at Pax Space in Hollywood. We just got organized last Fall, but we’ve already built a 3D printer and CNC router. We have frequent programming classes, and us a Pi for our automated entry system!


If you are going by DC, I’m sure hacdc would be happy to greet you again. http://www.hacdc.org/


Come visit Toronto! You can check off a metro area of 6 million people and at least 2 hackerspaces. We’re located conveniently on the Great Lakes, I’m sure you can find us. :)



we want to teach underprivileged children and want a low investment set up for teaching language and maths etc at the primary to middle level. Has anyone used Rasberry Pi for educational purposes ?


I’d suggest emailing info@raspberrypi.org, Eduction is what they do!


See all the blog posts tagged with ‘education‘, see our documentation and learning resources and check out our teacher training programme Picademy.

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