Lance at TEDx Oxbridge
Lance Howarth is CEO of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, leading our charitable mission. People are sometimes surprised to learn that Raspberry Pi is a charity: every penny we make from selling the Pi goes into our charitable mission, where it’s used to support schools, train teachers, create resources and help fund other computing and learning initiatives. Back in May he gave a talk at TEDx Oxbridge, explaining what it is we’re up to here at Pi Towers, with help from Babbage the Bear and some rubber bands. It’s just gone live, and we though you’d like to check it out.
Raspberry Pi Staff Helen Lynn
Reassured that my desk seems to be well beyond Lance’s rubber band-flicking radius.
Raspberry Pi Staff Liz Upton — post author
TBH, his OWN desk is beyond his rubber band-flicking radius.
that can be rectified quite easily but you could always build a rubber band powered trebuchet.
A rubber band arms race
The trebuchet needs to be automated, give it laser (OK PIR is safer) target sensing and an auto reload mechanism.
You should be able to do that with a Raspberry Pi and some discrete hardware wrapped around some Lego.
…the way that the conversation turned from rubber bands being launched at desks to how to automate the process…sums this all up really. Made me laugh a bit. Time to build it…
barry mad
Why isn’t there a to buy raspberry pi link/button or something obvious.
On your .org website?
There is a well-hidden link to the right of the “Search” magnifying glass, it says “shop”.
Ben Nuttall
Shop tag at the top right
There’s also a “Buy a Pi” link at the bottom of every page, and this FAQ :)
Dave Akerman
I enjoyed that, but a couple of corrections:-) ….
Babbage’s parachute did deploy properly so he didn’t free fall all the way to the ground! Also he jumped/fell from just over 39km not 39.5km. He could have jumped from 40km but I didn’t want to brat Felix’s record by too much :-)
Dave Akerman
S /brat/beat/ … tablet + fat fingers
Thinking of cool RPi uses: what happened to the Portugese Postoffice guy who told us about the retrofit of their sorting frames? Last I knew he was told to un-post it and have an interview without coffee; I hope he survived/upgraded.
The Raspberry Pi Guy
Wahay! That’s my video! Oi oi!
The Raspberry Pi Guy
Ben Nuttall
Congratulations. You’re effectively a TED speaker.
The Raspberry Pi Guy
Very disappointed that I was not given credit though
Gary Scarborough
Are there any initiatives to deploy Pis in the US in schools?