Category: Project paths
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Introducing new artificial intelligence and machine learning projects for Code Clubs
Discover the foundational concepts of AI and ML through creative and interactive projects
Get young people making interactive websites with JavaScript and our ‘More web’ path
Dive into six engaging projects that move learners beyond the basics of HTML and CSS
New micro:bit coding projects for kids
Learn to code and create with our brand-new path of micro:bit coding projects
Make a robot: A fun and educational journey into robotics for kids
Dive into the world of robotics and machine learning for children
More Unity: Dive deeper into 3D worlds, game design and programming
Introducing the 'More Unity' project path
Kids’ coding languages
How children can progress through different programming languages
What to expect from the Raspberry Pi Foundation in 2023
We've got exciting stuff in the works for you this year
Take part in the Hour of Code
Free coding projects that young people can complete in just sixty minutes
Get kids creating webpages with HTML and CSS
Free resources for children and teenagers who want to start learning HTML
Get kids coding and learning electronics with Raspberry Pi Pico
Kids create their own Pico projects with our free learning path
Python coding for kids: Moving beyond the basics
A free resource for young people to learn coding in Python with real data
Coding for kids: Art, games, and animations with our new beginners’ Python path
A creative introduction to coding in a language favoured by software engineers