Our 2017 Annual Review
Each year we take stock at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, looking back at what we’ve achieved over the previous twelve months. We’ve just published our Annual Review for 2017, reflecting on the progress we’ve made as a foundation and a community towards putting the power of digital making in the hands of people all over the world.
In the review, you can find out about all the different education programmes we run. Moreover, you can hear from people who have taken part, learned through making, and discovered they can do things with technology that they never thought they could.
Growing our reach
Our reach grew hugely in 2017, and the numbers tell this story.
By the end of 2017, we’d sold over 17 million Raspberry Pi computers, bringing tools for learning programming and physical computing to people all over the world.
Vibrant learning and making communities
Code Club grew by 2964 clubs in 2017, to over 10000 clubs across the world reaching over 150000 9- to 13-year-olds.
“The best moment is seeing a child discover something for the first time. It is amazing.”
– Code Club volunteer
In 2017 CoderDojo became part of the Raspberry Pi family. Over the year, it grew by 41% to 1556 active Dojos, involving nearly 40000 7- to 17-year-olds in creating with code and collaborating to learn about technology.
Raspberry Jams continued to grow, with 18700 people attending events organised by our amazing community members.
Supporting teaching and learning
We reached 208 projects in our online resources in 2017, and 8.5 million people visited these to get making.
“I like coding because it’s like a whole other language that you have to learn, and it creates something very interesting in the end.”
– Betty, Year 10 student
2017 was also the year we began offering online training courses. 19000 people joined us to learn about programming, physical computing, and running a Code Club.
Over 6800 young people entered Mission Zero and Mission Space Lab, 2017’s two Astro Pi challenges. They created code that ran on board the International Space Station or will run soon.
More than 600 educators joined our face-to-face Picademy training last year. Our community of Raspberry Pi Certified Educators grew to 1500, all leading digital making across schools, libraries, and other settings where young people learn.
Being social
Well over a million people follow us on social media, and in 2017 we’ve seen big increases in our YouTube and Instagram followings. We have been creating much more video content to share what we do with audiences on these and other social networks.
The future
It’s been a big year, as we continue to reach even more people. This wouldn’t be possible without the amazing work of volunteers and community members who do so much to create opportunities for others to get involved. Behind each of these numbers is a person discovering digital making for the first time, learning new skills, or succeeding with a project that makes a difference to something they care about.
You can read our 2017 Annual Review in full over on our About Us page.
David Ball
I am using the Raspberry Pi extensively in my college, teaching students in the 25 – 30 age bracket. The effect is to expose them to a fantastic coding environment where their learning opportunities are only bounded by their imagination…
Thank you Raspberry Pi Foundation…
Alex Bate
That’s wonderful to hear, David. Thank you.
Amie Hoyland
Hi, can the 2017 Annual Review be downloaded? Thanks
Alex Bate
Hi Amie. Click the link in the last sentence of the blog to go through to the PDF.