Raspberry Pi in Estonia project launch
If you follow us on Twitter, you may have seen some pictures of me standing next to important looking people in suits, handing out Raspberry Pi kits on Tuesday. This was the launch event for an educational project we’ve been working on with the British Embassy in Tallinn over the last few months.
Back in February of this year, just after the Raspberry Pi 2 launch, we were invited to mentor at the Garage48 Hardware & Arts Hackathon at the University of Tartu in Estonia. Rachel and I attended, and were amazed by the projects the teams were coming up with – some of which used Raspberry Pi. We were there to offer technical advice as well as help prepare teams for their pitch presentations. The event was a serious competition with teams thinking about creating businesses off the back of the projects, rather than throwaway apps you might expect from regular hackathons.
Somewhat casually, it was announced that the Prime Minister would be attending the presentations and awards ceremony. At age 35, Taavi Rõivas is the youngest government leader in the European Union. It wasn’t just a fleeting visit – he stuck around all day and took notes throughout the presentations. We were introduced to him and he knew of Raspberry Pi (he has one but hasn’t got around to using it yet). He said that he’d visited the Pi factory in Pencoed and I took the opportunity to have my photo taken with him.
The winning team was from the Estonian Army, who used a Pi to provide feedback during target practice. Read about this project and the runners up at estonianworld.com.
After the hackathon we had meetings with some Education organisations and the British Embassy and we ended up kicking off a project to get Raspberry Pis into schools across Estonia. We offered to fund half of the kits, and TransferWise kindly provided match funding to cover the rest.
We were also involved in HITSA‘s Informatics Teachers Summer School which took place in August – as well as providing match funding for 60 Pi 2s and the excellent CamJam Sensor Kits, I gave a webinar to introduce the Pi and the Foundation’s mission to the teachers. We also granted two Estonian teachers a place on Picademy North in May.
We were then invited to an event marking the opening of the hubs, which took place earlier this week, and the Embassy had arranged for the British Ambassador and the Prime Minister to attend.
The day started with me giving seminars to two groups of children from the school (a very large school combining what we’d call Primary and Secondary); then after lunch we set up the room which soon filled with more children, teachers and the press. TransferWise handed out t-shirts they had made for the occasion and the room was coated in Raspberry Pi flyers and balloons. There was even Raspberry Pie on offer!
The Prime Minister arrived and the event began with the Ambassador Chris giving a speech saying how proud he was to be involved in the project; followed by the Prime Minister saying a few words, thanking the Foundation and TransferWise. Then I spoke of the Foundation’s original goal to create a computer the price of a textbook to make it accessible to all, and of the great opportunities created for children all over Estonia. The three of us then joined up with TransferWise to hand out the kits to a representative of each of the 20 schools.
Great political leadership for #digitalmaking in Estonia
https://t.co/hG2pJvbnwM— Philip Colligan 🧢 (@philipcolligan) September 7, 2015
The Picademy trained teachers also presented. Birgy Lorenz showed what the Raspberry Pi could do, including a demo of Sonic Pi from the kids accompanied by Birgy on a real piano; and Maria Malozjomov explained the possibilities of using the Raspberry Pi with young children, and showed a video of her children unboxing and setting up:
There was then some time for demonstrations of the Raspberry Pis we’d set up – ones for Scratch, Minecraft, Sonic Pi, Python & Picamera and one with the Sense HAT. The Prime Minister managed to get himself a seat at the Minecraft table and was seen playing with it between speeches:
I also happened to have an Astro Pi Flight kit running a copy of the actual flight SD card with the Astro Pi competition code with me:
The launch event ended with a mega Picamera selfie! I set up a push button stop motion loop in Python and triggered it to take a few photos with the crowd behind me:
Mega @Raspberry_Pi selfies taken with @HMAChrisHoltby & PM @TaaviRoivas at the #raspberrypiestonia launch! pic.twitter.com/2dXJGmhLq3
— Ben Nuttall (@ben_nuttall) September 7, 2015
The British Ambassador Chris Holtby said:
Today has been a very exciting day, and an important day for technology in Estonian schools. We have now equipped 20 schools and other centres all across Estonia with Raspberry Pi kits, and further schools and centres will become Raspberry Pi hubs in the next phases. Many young (and not so young) people in Estonia want to learn to program, but often the equipment and know-how is not available. This programme is aimed to help fix those gaps.
Today’s launch of the RaspberryPiEstonia programme was only possible through the hard work and commitment of great partners in the Raspberry Pi Foundation, TransferWise and Vaata Maailma Sihtasutus, and the dedication and inspiration of Information Technology teachers and professionals across Estonia. I am grateful to them all, and proud to have been able to work with them.
I am also very honoured that Prime Minister Taavi Roivas was able to join us today, and to be the one handing over the equipment. It is important to have the support of the Government in giving this project maximum impact and making it sustainable.
After the event I gave a seminar to the Tallinn Informatics Teachers Group to follow on from the webinar at the Summer School.
See this storify of all the day’s tweets; check out the British Embassy’s photo album on Facebook; and you can watch the full video of the event on YouTube.
A great big thanks to the Krislin and the team at the British Embassy in Tallinn, the Ambassador Chris Holtby, lead teachers Birgy Lorenz and Maria Malozjomov, Mari-Liis at HITSA, all the team at TransferWise, and of course Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas.
Zak Zebrowski
Congrats and keep up the great work. :)
This type of article doesn’t get much comment from the techie/maker crowd, but it’s good to hear of the progress on the educational side.
Hästi tehtud! :)
It’s good to see that the Pi is making a difference in many countries.
Keep up the good work!
W. H. Heydt
I give up. I can blazon what is on the sense hat display (azure, a cross gules, fimbriated argent) and it *looks* like it ought to be some sort of Scandinavian or near-Scandinavian flag…so what is it really?
More in a separate post…
Ben Nuttall — post author
I can tell you exactly what it is: it’s the British flag (Union Jack).
The program that’s running is the MCP (Master Control Program) created by Dave Honess as a way for the astronauts aboard the ISS to select a program to run from the Astro Pi competition winners’ code.
The flags program was one of the winning entries. It shows the flag of the country the ISS is currently flying over. Read about it in Astro Pi Mission Update 4
W. H. Heydt
Should have known…if I could have made out the saltire, I probably would have guessed it.
W. H. Heydt
Since I can’t edit a response here to add anything…given that the unit was in Estonia, shouldn’t it have been showing the Estonian flag? (And I shudder to think what the US flag looks like at that resolution…perhaps just the canton of the version current in 1814…)
Ben Nuttall — post author
The program isn’t running in the picture. It’s the MCP selection menu showing the icons for the different programs. The flags programme’s icon is the British flag.
W. H. Heydt
Congrats. Really neat effort and very, very nice that you got the head of the Estonian government deeply interested in the Pi and it’s potential for him and his country.
One can only imagine the sort of memos that go out from the UK Foreign Office to embassies around the world about getting the RPF in on local educational and technical events…
Congrats and keep up , I hope in Indonesia ;-)
Steve Foster
As a teacher myself, it warms the cockles of my heart. I was privileged enough to do 4 days of teacher training in Switzerland recently, at the Large Hadron Collider CERN, along with a group of teachers from Estonia. The tales they told me of the old regime and the hope they had for the future, in the hands of the children they teach certainly made me put things into perspective as far as the English state education system goes. Very, very well done to all at the Raspberry Pi foundation for taking this project forward.
Tom Dukes