Explore well-being in September with Digital Making at Home
September is wellness month at Digital Making at Home. Your young makers can code along with our educators every week to create projects which focus on their well-being. This week’s brand-new projects are all about embracing the things that make you feel calm.
Start coding with our all-new projects now!
Through Digital Making at Home, we invite parents and kids all over the world to code and make along with us and our new projects, videos, and live streams every week.
This week’s live stream will take place on Wednesday at 5.30pm BST / 12.30pm EDT / 10.00pm IST at rpf.io/home. Let your kids join in so they can progress to the next stage of learning to code with Scratch!
Varun Sharma
Thanks for sharing.
Sophie Hill
Love this! Thank you for sharing, great points made! Wellbeing is so important no more than ever!
Thanks for covering this topic. My problem solved. :)
Ritwik Roy
Even i started with coding during this pandemic learning from basics. Online platforms are helping me lot. i am sure i will master it one day XD. Well every artist was first an amateur… ;)
Thanks for posting useful information. You have provided an nice article, Thank you very much for this one.
John Hadward
Amazing Stuff! Thanks For The Great Share :)
paru roy
love this post
Ankit Jais
Thanks for the amazing content!!
Valuable for everyone….
Aryan Sharma
Thanks for covering this topic.
Mahitha Reddy
Amazing topic bro. Thanks for sharing really useful information
Amazing topic
Thanks for this amazing Article!
Thank for sharing. This is great news!
Nisha Batel
Amazing! Thanks for sharing it as a blog.
Thanks for giving this value. Lucky to see this at home:)
Well, I started my career with zero knowledge of coding hahaha
Hey, I found this in my recommended section. I just started out with some python programming challenges but I encountered some hardcore problems lol. Super happy to have found your great post.
I feel like when trying to code, I just get easily burnt out. These are really good tips and I’ll try to use them in my daily life!
VS Chaitanya
I am really bad at coding so I use Drag and Drop Builders that are already coded well :)
I don’t know to code much…Is there anything that I can do?
Kiran Sami
very interesting stuff, I also did some projects using raspberry pi and Arduino in my collage days.
can we install windows in it? if not what OS raspberry pi support.
Helmet Savvy
NICE, JUST DISCOVERED THIS blog, surely I can do Some art using python
can we install windows in it?
Earlier, I found coding was very difficult. But once i get into it, trying to understand the logic, it seems easier.
Coding is fun. But the way we are progressing, it seems we will have more of a drag and drop approach rather than doing core coding in the near future.
Napster’s Quest
RIP to our generation who learnt coding the hard way. Remember those times when you loaded an OS and your programs through floppy?
I just started out with some python programming challenges but I encountered some hardcore problems lol. Super happy to have found your great post.
Kunjesh Virani
Though coding is fun, I do use Drag and Drop. :).
Brij Patel
Amazing Artical thanks for Sharing With us
Thanks for sharing. Actually, I use drag and drop builders for coding.
Monalisa deb
very good article. really helpful
Thanks for sharing, It was something new for me.
Wonderful ways to teach young ones about well-being thru coding. Thanks for sharing.