Educating young people in AI, machine learning, and data science: new seminar series
A recent Forbes article reported that over the last four years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in many business sectors has grown by 270%. AI has a history dating back to Alan Turing’s work in the 1940s, and we can define AI as the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.

Four key areas of AI are machine learning, robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing. Other advances in computing technology mean we can now store and efficiently analyse colossal amounts of data (big data); consequently, data science was formed as an interdisciplinary field combining mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Data science is often presented as intertwined with machine learning, as data scientists commonly use machine learning techniques in their analysis.

AI impacts everyone, so we need to teach young people about it
AI and data science have recently received huge amounts of attention in the media, as machine learning systems are now used to make decisions in areas such as healthcare, finance, and employment. These AI technologies cause many ethical issues, for example as explored in the film Coded Bias. This film describes the fallout of researcher Joy Buolamwini’s discovery that facial recognition systems do not identify dark-skinned faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever piece of legislation in the USA to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact our lives. Many other ethical issues concerning AI exist and, as highlighted by UNESCO’s examples of AI’s ethical dilemmas, they impact each and every one of us.

So how do such advances in technology impact the education of young people? In the UK, a recent Royal Society report on machine learning recommended that schools should “ensure that key concepts in machine learning are taught to those who will be users, developers, and citizens” — in other words, every child. The AI Roadmap published by the UK AI Council in 2020 declared that “a comprehensive programme aimed at all teachers and with a clear deadline for completion would enable every teacher confidently to get to grips with AI concepts in ways that are relevant to their own teaching.” As of yet, very few countries have incorporated any study of AI and data science in their school curricula or computing programmes of study.

Partnering with The Alan Turing Institute for a new seminar series
Here at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, AI, machine learning, and data science are important topics both in our learning resources for young people and educators, and in our programme of research. So we are delighted to announce that starting this autumn we are hosting seven free, online seminars on the topic of AI, machine learning, and data science education, in partnership with The Alan Turing Institute.

The Alan Turing Institute is the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence and does pioneering work in data science research and education. The Institute conducts many different strands of research in this area and has a special interest group focused on data science education. As such, our partnership around the seminar series enables us to explore our mutual interest in the needs of young people relating to these technologies.
This promises to be an outstanding series drawing from international experts who will share examples of pedagogic best practice […].
Dr Matt Forshaw, The Alan Turing Institute
Dr Matt Forshaw, National Skills Lead at The Alan Turing Institute and Senior Lecturer in Data Science at Newcastle University, says: “We are delighted to partner with the Raspberry Pi Foundation to bring you this seminar series on AI, machine learning, and data science. This promises to be an outstanding series drawing from international experts who will share examples of pedagogic best practice and cover critical topics in education, highlighting ethical, fair, and safe use of these emerging technologies.”
Our free seminar series about AI, machine learning, and data science
At our computing education research seminars, we hear from a range of experts in the field and build an international community of researchers, practitioners, and educators interested in this important area. Our new free series of seminars runs from September 2021 to February 2022, with some excellent and inspirational speakers:
- Tues 7 September: Dr Mhairi Aitken from The Alan Turing Institute will share a talk about AI ethics, setting out key ethical principles and how they apply to AI before discussing the ways in which these relate to children and young people.
- Tues 5 October: Professor Carsten Schulte, Yannik Fleischer, and Lukas Höper from Paderborn University in Germany will use a series of examples from their ProDaBi programme to explore whether and how AI and machine learning should be taught differently from other topics in the computer science curriculum at school. The speakers will suggest that these topics require a paradigm shift for some teachers, and that this shift has to do with the changed role of algorithms and data, and of the societal context.
- Tues 2 November: Professor Matti Tedre and Dr Henriikka Vartiainen from the University of Eastern Finland will focus on machine learning in the school curriculum. Their talk will map the emerging trajectories in educational practice, theory, and technology related to teaching machine learning in K-12 education.
- Tues 7 December: Professor Rose Luckin from University College London will be looking at the breadth of issues impacting the teaching and learning of AI.
- Tues 11 January: We’re delighted that Dr Dave Touretzky and Dr Fred Martin (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Massachusetts Lowell, respectively) from the AI4K12 Initiative in the USA will present some of the key insights into AI that the researchers hope children will acquire, and how they see K-12 AI education evolving over the next few years.
- Tues 1 February: Tara Chklovski (Technovation) will speak about teaching young to use AI to tackle the sustainable development goals
- Tues 1 March: Stefania Druga (University of Washington) will present her work on democratising AI education with and for families
How you can join our online seminars
All seminars start at 17:00 UK time (18:00 Central European Time, 12 noon Eastern Time, 9:00 Pacific Time) and take place in an online format, with a presentation, breakout discussion groups, and a whole-group Q&A.
Sign up now and we’ll send you the link to join on the day of each seminar — don’t forget to put the dates in your diary!
In the meantime, you can explore some of our educational resources related to machine learning and data science:
- Try out our Scratch project guides introducing machine learning and data science concepts: Smart classroom assistant, Journey to school, Alien language, Did you like it?, and Electricity generation
- For young people wanting to use Python, we have a five-project learning journey that introduces concepts and practical tools for machine vision
- For educators, we will launch a new, free online course on teaching machine learning this autumn!
- The latest issue of our free computing education magazine Hello World focuses on data science and data literacy — you can download the PDF now
3 nov is on a wedenesday!
Raspberry Pi Staff Janina Ander
Very true, we’ve fixed that! Our seminars take place on the first Tuesday of the month, as a rule.
Samuel Harris
It seems to me that it is still very important to teach young people the intricacies of company management and business development. To do this, there are many articles and podcasts on the net. I personally listened to hundreds of podcasts and collected the most useful ones in my opinion into an article Although almost any information on the Internet can bring one or another benefit, teach you how to run a business and vice versa, show you how not to do it.
Rochelle McCartin
This sounds fantastic! Will the material be available stream after the live event for those of us that will be working during the live event?
Raspberry Pi Staff Janina Ander
Yes, we’ll publish a summary about each seminar, along with the full recording, here on the website. You’ll also find the recordings on our YouTube channel: