Let’s make some noise!

It’s time for YOU to use code to put the “POW” in “KAPOW” and the “BOOM” in “KABOOM”. This week in Digital Making at Home, let’s make some noise! 

And remember you can crank up the volume with Mr C and a special guest this Wednesday at 2.00pm BST / 9.00am EDT / 7.30pm IST at rpf.io/home in a new live coding session! 

Let’s make some noise this week! 

Get an earful of the noises all around you: the birds chirping, the car engines rumbling, the beeping of the microwave in your kitchen… And you can use coding to create your own noises and sounds!

Noise can be whatever you want it to be — melodic, ghostly, loud, rhythmic… Whatever you want to code this week, we’re here to help you turn up the volume:

Create sound effects with Sonic Pi 

Annnnnnnd ACTION! *CLAP* In this video, Christina shows you how to use Sonic Pi to create spooky sound effects that you can use in a game, an animation, or a movie! The project is based on our ‘Special effects’ guide (available in 10 languages).

Code to the loop of the drums!

An illustration of a robot playing a drum kit

If you want to do more coding in Sonic Pi, check out our ‘Drum loop’ project guide and make a digital drum kit that sounds thunderous or groovy! (The project guide is available in 11 languages.)

And for even more Sonic Pi fun, check out our music week!

Sound out your own unique language!

An illustration of a green alien with one eye and tentacles racing along a desert planet. A speech bubble above it says 'BLOP!'

Follow our ‘Alien language’ project guide to make up your own alien language in Scratch! (The guide is available in 8 human languages.) Your new languages will be full of sounds that your sprite can understand and respond to the way that you want it to.

Mr C will use this project as inspiration for Wednesday’s live stream too!

Share your project out loud with us!

We might make some noise about your project if you share it with us! We love seeing what you create, and we love even more that we can tell the world about it in project showcase posts. And if you’ve got ideas about how Digital Making at Home could be even better, let us know.

Alright digital makers, now go make some noise! 

P.S. We’re so thankful for the support we get from individuals and organisations that believe all young people around the world should have the chance to do digital making. Their contributions make it possible for us to create free content for all of you to access FOREVER! If you like, you could make a contribution too.

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