Computing courses
Discover our range of free computing courses. Learn to code your own programs, make exciting projects, and build your computing skill set.
Our online courses have something for everyone, from absolute beginners to more experienced programmers.
Learn about Python, Scratch, AI and machine learning, web design, cybersecurity, computing education, and much more.
Learn to program in Python
Learn Python for free. Discover our online computing courses and learn how to code your own programs.
Teach teens computing: Programming in Python
Explore the basics of Python and code your first program.

Programming 102: Think like a Computer Scientist
Take your Python skills further by exploring algorithms, list structures, sorting, and searching.

Programming 103: Saving and Structuring Data
Learn how to save and structure data in external files, and import files back into your Python programs.

Programming with GUIs
Discover how to build your own graphical user interface (GUI) with Python and guizero.

Teach teens computing: Object-oriented Programming in Python
Learn how you can support learners to understand object-oriented programming principles by creating your own text-based adventure game in Python.

Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python
Create simple systems that respond to and control the physical world using the Raspberry Pi and Python.

Networking with Python: Socket Programming for Communication
Explore the principles that industry professionals use when programming for networks, and learn how sockets are used to abstract the complexities of the internet.