CCERS 2020 is now over! Many thanks to our keynote speaker, Dr Natalie Rusk, to all the fantastic presenters and to everyone who participated in the symposium. The symposium booklet and programme are available to download, and you can watch the presentations and see the slides and posters that were presented if you follow the links above.
Following on from CCERS, we are now running a series of free online research seminars. Find out how you can attend!
About the symposium
The Cambridge Computing Education Research Symposium (CCERS) is a one-day symposium for all academics, researchers, students, and teachers who share an interest in computing education research, particularly for young people.
CCERS 2020 took place as a virtual event on 1 April 2020, hosted by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and the University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology.
Themes and content
The overarching theme of CCERS 2020 was school-level computing education (either formal or non-formal).
Within this overarching theme, the symposium included paper presentations on a range of topics under the themes of:
- Teacher engagement in computing education research
- Assessment tools
- Application of theoretical frameworks
- Perceptions and attitudes
The keynote speaker was Dr Natalie Rusk of the MIT Media Lab and the Scratch Foundation, who spoke about her passion for digital creativity using Scratch and how we can design research that supports young people as creators.
The symposium also included two virtual poster sessions, where posters were presented on the topics of learning, teaching, content, broadening participation and school-level factors.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the symposium, please contact