Raspberry Jam, Lilongwe, Malawi
We’re seeing Raspberry Jams pop up all over the world these days: Eben and I spent three days at the Jam in Tokyo last month (pictures and presentations from that will be coming soon), and an afternoon at the Silicon Valley Jam the week before that. We see video from a lot of these events, but this video, sent to me by John Cass from Young Innovators in Lilongwe, Malawi, is my favourite so far. It was recorded by a Malawi TV station, and ended up on national network TV. There were nearly 100 attendees, a whole lot of Scratch games programming, some brewing, an electric motorbike being tracked by GPS, music-making, and much more.
John and the Young Innovators team have been loaning Pis to interested people in Malawi, as well as donating them to schools and kids’ groups. A number of Pi-based projects are being developed by those people for the next Lilongwe Jam in September. He tells me that there’s a remote lock for a warehouse in the works, along with the development of an IT course for a refugee center, and an application for managing patients at a local clinic.
Young Innovators Malawi do some wonderful stuff; they are a non-profit, volunteer group running events and competitions to inspire young people all over Malawi to get involved with innovation and technology. If you’d like to support them, please visit their website, and consider making a donation. Your donations go towards funding Raspberry Pi kits, bundled with learning materials, which are given to kids and schools.
The Raspberry Pi will not stop until it rules the world.
What a fantastic event and a video that is worthy of a Raspberry Pi Oscar. This has real value for others in terms of showing what can be done.
Raspberry Pi Staff liz — post author
I was on my own when I first watched it, BEAMING. And I had the great pleasure of standing behind Eben when he watched it, (whose parents lived in Lilongwe when they were first married, so you could kind of say there wouldn’t be a Raspberry Pi without Lilongwe) and seeing him tear up with pride.
Hi Liz, quick introduction before i com the point. My name is Egils Rubenis, from Germany. I am a CEO of a software company located in Germany in Berlin. Ew are operating with IBM products like Websphere Message Broker and MQ. On the other side i am chairman of a NPO “One Small Seed e.V.” located in Hannover Germany. We are working on development aid projects in Malawi Nkhata Bay. This year we are up to build a community center with a computer lab. Currently we are evaluating the Raspberry PI as Clients for the Lab. You probably might konw somebody who featured the Jam in Lilongwe. I would need somebody just to exchange some thoughts on what can be achieved and what not. Do you probably have an email adress for me? Thanks a lot. Regards, Egils
Raspberry Pi Staff Liz Upton — post author
Could you drop me an email? My address is on the contacts page.