MozFest YouthZone Workshops
This year Mozilla Festival is taking place at Ravensbourne College in London (next to the O2 arena) on 7-8 November. Map here.
This is Mozilla’s annual hands-on festival (affectionately known as MozFest) and is dedicated to forging the future of the open Web. It’s where passionate technologists, educators and creators unite to hack on innovative solutions for the Web’s most pressing issues. And this year, it’s packed with a wide variety of excellent Raspberry Pi workshops for young people, not to mention a whole host of other activities, from virtual reality to sumobots to algorithms with crayons!
The festival is divided up into spaces, with each space running different sessions that you can sign up for in advance. Read more about them here.
The MozFest YouthZone is a space dedicated to reconciling the conflicts that occur between adults and young people online. In previous years this was only a few rooms, but this year, it’s going to be an entire floor with 30 sessions! Thanks to the efforts of Raspberry Pi Creative Technologist Andrew Mulholland there will be a significant Raspberry Pi presence along with a dedicated Raspberry Pi Zone.
Andrew and the Raspberry Pi Foundation education team are running a total of 17 workshops. These include:
- Astro Pi: Your Code in Space (by our own Carrie Anne)
- Musical fruit with the Explorer HAT (by Jim Darby)
- Hacking Minecraft Pi with Python (by Yasmin Bey)
- Scratch-ing the Surface with GPIO (by Cat Lamin)
All of the workshops are aimed at complete beginners, perfect if you know nothing about programming or even what a Raspberry Pi is!
Dozens of other facilitators are running activities in the YouthZone on everything from animation to microscopy, so be sure to check out the possibilities! A full list of the YouthZone workshops can be found here.
Official leak: there will be an Astro Pi flight unit at the event. If you want to see it (or test your code on it) then make sure you go to Carrie Anne’s workshop!
On top of the 17 workshops in the main Raspberry Pi Zone, there will also be two other satellite Raspberry Pi programming zones. One will be in the music zone with a focus on making music with code (specifically using Sonic Pi), and the other will involve the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s DOTS boards, add-on boards for Raspberry Pi that allow you to make circuits using conductive paint.
YouthZone wranglers Dorine Flies and Harry Smith have done a fantastic job preparing an incredibly wide range of activities for this space, as part of its story for 2015 of helping adults to see through the eyes of young people. We greatly appreciate their hard work, and we’re sure everyone who participates will, too!
Okay, I want to go!
Tickets are only £3 for young people. For adults, tickets are £45; these are full weekend passes and include lunch for both days.
Mark Daniels
It’s amusing that the Scratch workshop is run by Cat . . . ;)
Any chance of getting something like this in Torbay, Devon please.
I guess that’s a question for the Mozilla Foundation, rather than the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
But if you’re specifically looking for something more Raspberry Pi focused, says there’s a “TORBAY TECH JAM” on the 14th of November.
Alan O’Donohoe
David Whale and I will be leading a Minecraft Mini Hack Jam too at Mozfest. More details here: