Hello World – a new magazine for educators
Today, the Raspberry Pi Foundation is launching a new, free resource for educators.
Hello World is a magazine about computing and digital making written by educators, for educators. With three issues each year, it contains 100 pages filled with news, features, teaching resources, reviews, research and much more.
It is designed to be cross-curricular and useful to all kinds of educators, from classroom teachers to librarians. While it includes lots of great examples of how educators are using Raspberry Pi computers in education, it is device- and platform-neutral.
Community building
As with everything we do at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, Hello World is about community building. Our goal is to provide a resource that will help educators connect, share great practice, and learn from each other.
Hello World is a collaboration between the Raspberry Pi Foundation and Computing at School, the grass-roots organisation of computing teachers that’s part of the British Computing Society. The magazine builds on the fantastic legacy of Switched On, which it replaces as the official magazine for the Computing at School community.
We’re thrilled that many of the contributors to Switched On have agreed to continue writing for Hello World. They’re joined by educators and researchers from across the globe, as well as the team behind the amazing MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine, who are producing Hello World.
print (“Hello, World!”)
Hello World is available free, forever, for everyone online as a downloadable pdf. The content is written to be internationally relevant, and includes features on the most interesting developments and best practices from around the world.
Thanks to the very generous support of our sponsors BT, we are also offering the magazine in a beautiful print version, delivered for free to the homes of serving educators in the UK.
Papert’s legacy
This first issue is dedicated to Seymour Papert, in many ways the godfather of computing education. Papert was the creator of the Logo programming language and the author of some of the most important research on the role of computers in education. It will come at no surprise that his legacy has a big influence on our work at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, not least because one of our co-founders, Jack Lang, did a summer internship with Papert.

Seymour Papert with one of his computer games at the MIT Media Lab
Credit: Steve Liss/The Life Images Collection/Getty Images
Inside you’ll find articles exploring Papert’s influence on how we think about learning, on the rise of the maker movement, and on the software that is used to teach computing today from Scratch to Greenfoot.
Get involved
We will publish three issues of Hello World a year, timed to coincide with the start of the school terms here in the UK. We’d love to hear your feedback on this first issue, and please let us know what you’d like to see covered in future issues too.
The magazine is by educators, for educators. So if you have experience, insights or practical examples that you can share, get in touch: contact@helloworld.cc.
Alan Mc (Irish Framboise)
Wow. Another great initiative and more important resources and inspiration for all of us involved in Digital Education both in the UK and beyond. Thank you Raspberry Pi Foundation & Code Club! Exciting stuff. Keep up the good work.
Michael Horne
Bravo, people. Bravo. :-)
Graham Jones
I look forward to my copy.
Stuff like this should become a Core Subject in schools.
Is it me or are primary schools way ahead of secondary schools in this area, due to funding / lack of enthusiasm.
You’ve got real good hearts! Making it platform-neutral is brave and means it could impact the quality of IT teaching in every classroom. Thank you.
Nicholas Hughes
Wow – This is amazing! Well done all involved!
How do I sign up :o)
Raspberry Pi Staff Rob Zwetsloot
Follow the links on the article ? http://www.helloworld.cc/
Now if you could just persuade your layout people that white text on a black background is NEVER a good idea, I’d have an even more pleasant reading experience.
At least it’s only a few pages.
Earworm for the day, Tetris!
Very good nees undeed.
However it is hard to figure out whether it is even possible to get it delivered to EU for an additional fee.
No matter what I choose when selecting subscribe, it comes up with UK delivery. Which is 15£.
Anybody knows about EU subscription possibilities ?
Raspberry Pi Staff Liz Upton
We’re hoping to be able to add overseas subs in the future; right now I’m afraid it’s UK only, but you can still download the free PDF.
Alec Clews
So if Simon Peyton Jones is involved there will be lots of Haskell? :-)
I am curious about EU shipping too! Actually UK delivery!
Tony Goodhew
Cannot save the pdf download to a file for offline use with Windows 10. Magpi always works.
Tony Goodhew
Downloading to your Pi works much better! The pdf appears in the download folder properly and can then be transferred to your Windows machine via a memory stick/thumb drive. Why on earth does Adobe Reader in Windows 10 grey out the save icon?
This will be interesting, since I was one of the few who worked with Pappert and others in those early years. I’ll give some insight from my POV when I have the time to write them down.
pls check as link to Hello World magazine: https://www.raspberrypi.org/helloworld
takes us to RPI3 announcement form year 2015 instead.
Thanks for updating and sharing.
Keep up good work.
Alex Bate
Hey there. It should work fine. Looks like you may have caught the site when it was going through a temporary blip. Have another go.
Alejandro Gutierrez M.
i still have the issue of Popular Computing magazine where there was the Article of Saymour Papert and has been very important for me