Non-GCSE – Spreadsheets

Curriculum KS4 Unit


In this unit, learners will gain an understanding and knowledge of how to use spreadsheets to store and manipulate data, how to use common functions, and how to extract data to create visual representations using charts. Learners will use spreadsheets to track and calculate income, make predictions, and answer “what if…?” questions. It is assumed that learners have had some experience of spreadsheets at KS3 level and therefore know how to use cell references, fill colours, and borders, and are familiar with the basic functions, e.g. SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN.

Unit guide

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Learning graph

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative assessment

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative answer

Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Lesson 1

Spreadsheet warm-up

Lesson 2

The RSC Live event

Lesson 3

RSC merchandise

Lesson 4

RSC data visualisation

Lesson 5

RSC stock control

Lesson 6

Spreadsheets assessment