Year 7 – Programming essentials in Scratch – part II

Curriculum KS3 Unit


This unit begins right where ‘Programming I’ left off. Learners will build on their understanding of the control structures’ sequence, selection, and iteration (the big three), and develop their problem-solving skills. Learners will learn how to create their own subroutines, develop their understanding of decomposition, learn how to create and use lists, and build upon their problem-solving skills by working through a larger project at the end of the unit.

Unit guide

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Learning graph

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative assessment

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative answer

Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Lesson 7

You've got the moves!

Lesson 8

Fly cat, fly!

Lesson 9

Loop the loop!

Lesson 10

Treasure those lists!

Lesson 11

Translate this! Part 1

Lesson 12

Translate this! Part 2