Cambridge Computing Education Research Symposium 2020: Keynote

How can we design research that supports young people as creators?

Dr Natalie Rusk, MIT Media Lab

About Natalie

Dr Natalie Rusk from the MIT Media Lab

Natalie Rusk is one of the creators of Scratch and is a Research Scientist in the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. She is the lead author of the Scratch Coding Cards and co-founder of the Computer  Clubhouse, which has grown into an international network of 100 after-school centers where young people create projects that build on their interests. Natalie researches youth motivation for learning in Scratch and other learning environments and recently co-authored the research paper, Youth perspectives on their development in a coding community. She earned a Masters in Education from Harvard and a PhD in child development from Tufts University. You can read some of Natalie’s writing online, including her article: There’s More Than One Way to Code a Cat.