Join us at the Bett Show 2015

In my former life as a Computing and ICT teacher and even before that as an ICT Technician, I always looked forward to the Bett Show in London. The Bett Show is the world’s leading learning technology event. Imagine a trade show meets teachers conference and you might have some idea of what it is like. Every year the event is opened by the Education Secretary here in England, followed by keynotes from some of the world’s leading educationalists. The next event’s line-up includes Sir Ken Robinson and Jimmy Wales! Not bad for a free event.


As a technician I attended to see what cool new tech was available for teachers, and to see if we could replace any of our current systems with something more efficient and cost effective. As a teacher I attended for much the same reasons, to get my hands on all the cool tech, but also to attend the free talks and workshops in the many areas over the course of four days.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation Education Team at Bett 2014

The Raspberry Pi Foundation Education Team at Bett 2014

Last year the Raspberry Pi education team were hosted by the OCR stand and you can read about what we got up to here.

The next Bett Show takes place this coming January from Wednesday 21st January to Saturday 24th January 2015 at Excel London and we at Raspberry Pi plan to have a presence like never before. We want everyone who attends to be able to experience what it is like to teach, learn and make with Raspberry Pi. To do this we need your help.

We need you! We are looking for members of our wonderful community to help us run workshops, give talks or demos and be a part of sharing what we do with teachers and technicians. Teachers, Raspberry Pi certified educators, digital leaders, technicians, academics, parents, code club mentors, workshop leaders, Raspberry Jam event organisers, or Pi enthusiasts.

Over the course of the four days, we have 20 minute and 50 minute slots to fill on our stand that includes a Raspberry Pi classroom. You can give a talk about how you engage young people with Raspberry Pi or how to setup a Raspberry Jam. You could run a Minecraft Pi or Pibrella workshop. You could bring your code club or group of digital leaders to present what they have done with Raspberry Pi.

To submit your session or sessions for our Bett Show stand for 2015, please complete this form.



I’ll do a 20 mins session or 2 on the Saturday for getting started with the pi if needed.



That’s great, thanks Kim. Could you fill in the form please — it’s the only way we can keep track and keep organised!


Hi Kim,
Look forward to metting you many thanks


I’d love to help out. I’ve submitted the form already (based on the education newsletter).

I put down and idea for a session relating to making more use of volunteers in schools, although I think that may be better in future when I’ve had more experience – unless there is someone else that I could team up with.

Alternatively please see it as a general offer of assistance if you think I can be of use.


I thought it was a great submission and a talk about your experiences would be great.


I’ll have a look at putting a session together then if you think that will be useful.

Since I submitted the form I’ve signed up for a couple of other sessions with schools and one of my regular ones (high school Raspberry Pi club) is back up and running so by the end of January I should have some more examples to talk about.



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