Join us for a day of making!
Hello all! Raspberry Pi would like to ask you out for the day. We have a day of making, hacking, bikes, bird boxes, picnicking, and filming lined up. All we need now is some good company! I’ll let Owen explain all…
This day of tinkering shenanigans is in preparation for our brand new programme for young people, which will be launching soon. If you’d like to apply, you need to be aged between 12 and 18, living in the UK, and free on Tuesday 23rd August 2016. You also need to be comfortable in front of a camera. We’ll be catching all the action throughout the whole day and making videos to share with the world, so we need smiley faces! If you love tinkering and getting creative, then this is for you. You don’t need any experience with computers or electronics; this is for anybody who enjoys making things.
We’ll cover your travel costs, and if you are coming a really long way we can provide accommodation for you and a parent or guardian. Accompanying adults will get the day to themselves to do whatever they please around Cambridge: it’s a beautiful place with lots to see.

Makers make!
In order to bag an invitation, you’ll need to send our judges a mini video about yourself. This video is your chance to shine, so get creative! (Don’t worry about special equipment – we’re expecting most of you to shoot on your phones.)
The video should be no longer than 30-60 seconds. It should introduce you and give us a little run down of what you like making and doing. That can be making cake, videos, clothes, robots, or even just making a mess. Please include anything else you think will entertain us. If you are entering in a group with friends, then feel free to get together for your filming session, but remember that each person must submit an individual video of themselves. Group videos will not be accepted: you all need to have your own 60 seconds in the spotlight.
Applications must be received by midnight on Sunday 7th August.
Submit your video and details to us via the Digital Making Day form.
If you have any questions email
Don’t forget to spread the word to anyone else who may want to take part!

The gif that never grows old!
Alex Bate
I’m so, so, so excited for this.
Dammit. I’m too old for this. It sounds amazing.
“The applications will be reviewed at midnight on Sunday the 7th of August…”
Wow, that’s going to be a long night for you all! Better stock up on the coffee ;-)
If only I lived in the UK…
Could you do something like this in the US?
I’m pretty sure they can pay for your travel tickets if you live in the US and if you get in.
Raspberry Pi Staff Liz Upton
Afraid not – we are only paying for travel within the UK. Remember, we’re a charity; we have to spend our money reasonably!