Take a risk and see what you can create!

So many amazing projects are waiting for you to create them, and taking a risk is the key to get your ideas from inside your head out into the world! That’s what this week’s live stream was all about: we explored how digital making and risk-taking work together, and we had the perfect guest to chat with us on the topic.

We talked with Amy Mather aka MiniGirlGeek, fellow digital maker and Design Engineering student attending Imperial College London. She shared with us how she got into making, and showed us her Dragon Box, one of the incredible projects that risk-taking empowered her to create!

Give risk-taking a try this week, digital makers! We can’t wait to see what you create, and we’ll see you next week for another live stream code-along session. Join us live again on Wednesday 28 Oct at 5.30pm GMT on rpf.io/home.

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