A BERRY special Pi-Day celebration for you!
Yesterday was Pi Day and we celebrated with a special episode of Digital Making at Home, hosted by the BERRY best co-hosts, Mr. C and Christina! They kicked off our celebration by showing off a fun project Mr. C had running in the background throughout the duration of the stream, which was an OctaPi using Monte Carlo method to calculate the mathematical constant pi to as many decimal places as we could! You can check out the project here.
For our first guest, we welcomed back to the stream the creator of the Raspberry Pi computer, Eben Upton! It’s always a good time when Eben joins the stream and today’s visit was a blast! He shared so much with us, including a little bit about the history of the Raspberry Pi and what inspired him to create the first- generation of Raspberry Pi computers. To learn that he wanted to get more young people excited about computing is so amazing, especially because the impact of the Raspberry Pi since its creation has been huge. Our live audience also had a chance to ask Eben a few questions that you’ll want to hear the answers to!
The fun didn’t stop there because after Eben left, we got a special message from our friends in the community who wanted to wish us a Happy Pi Day. It was so awesome to see many of our past guests stop by to say hi and celebrate with us.
Then Mr. C showed us how to make an interactive book using a Raspberry Pi! We got a sneak peak at this during the last stream, so everyone was looking forward to coding along today. You’ll be able to make a magic book, a wand, and can use those with some code to make whatever you want, including a self-reading book in Scratch or Python!
We also had The MagPi Features Editor Rob Zwetsloot stop by to share some amazing Raspberry Pi projects he’s seen! He also talked about this year’s #MonthOfMaking campaign where you can share anything that you’re making with us on social media. What a day it was, digital makers!
If you weren’t able to join us live, make sure you watch this special episode because there’s so much to see. We’re skipping this week and will be back next week for another episode of Digital Making at Home. In the meantime, keep coding and Happy Pi Day!
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