Non-GCSE – Lesson 2 – Online reputation

Curriculum KS4 Unit Lesson

Learners will be asked to characterise why someone might use the internet and how their online needs change over time. This task will be used to discuss why it might be important to think about their online reputation even when they are still in school. In small groups, learners will be asked to consider different possible attackers and why they might want to damage someone’s online reputation. They will then be asked to come up with strategies on how best to defend their reputation against these attacks. After a class discussion in which different ideas are shared and consolidated, learners will be asked to produce a poster or leaflet that provides information for others on how to protect their online reputation.

Learning objectives

  • Define online reputation and discuss what it is made up of
  • Discuss techniques on how to build a positive online reputation
  • Discuss the ways in which one’s online reputation might be under threat and how to defend it

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework