Make every step count with Matt Richardson, Ben Hall and a Micro:bit!

Welcome back to Digital Making at Home! Being away from you all for a week has us feeling a little low on energy, especially because you keep us in such high spirits! To help us put some pep back in our step, we asked two special people to join us on this week’s stream! 

Our first guest is usually behind the scenes keeping the stream running smoothly, but today he came on the show to talk about a new project he’s been working on that combines his love of running with digital making! Executive Director Matt Richardson from the Raspberry Pi Foundation made a Python-based web application that tracks all of the countries and U.S states/territories he’s run in over the past few years. With the help of his app, he’s been able to stay active and challenge himself to meet his goal of running all over the world. Check out Matt’s web application to see if he’s run where you live before! 

We also had a chance to chat with Ben Hall to code along with us. Ben is a Learning Manager also from the Raspberry Pi Foundation who creates free learning resources for teachers and students to use in the classroom. He showed Mr.C and Christina how to use a Micro:bit to create your own step counter so you can make sure you get your daily steps in. This is an awesome project that you can try with your friends and family, and you can even use a Micro:bit emulator if you don’t already have one! 

It’s so good to be back coding with you all and we’ll be here again next week for more! See you then! 

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