Research seminars: Publications

You can read up on our past research seminars in short chapters written by our seminar speakers.

Each chapter contains the key content of the seminar, as well as additional information and materials for you to delve deeper into the big topics of computing education research.

Teacher and two learners in a computing lesson.

Volume 5: Learning programming with AI

The proceedings collection of chapters from the speakers at our research seminars from January to December 2024. This series focused on teaching programming with AI.

CodeAid: An LLM coding assistant for the classroom

Kazemitabaar, M. (2024). CodeAid: An LLM coding assistant for the classroom. In Learning programming with AI. Understanding computing education (Vol. 5). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Volume 4: Primary (K–5) computing education research

The proceedings collection of chapters from the speakers at our research seminars from January to December 2023. This series focused on computing education research around teaching and teachers in primary school (K–5).

Teaching primary learners how to be data citizens

Robertson, J. & Farrell, K. (2023). Teaching primary learners how to be data citizens. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 4): Primary (K–5) computing education research – teaching and teachers. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Scaffolding children’s development of technical and ethical computing competencies

Salac, J. (2023). Scaffolding children’s development of technical and ethical computing competencies. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 4): Primary (K–5) computing education research – teaching and teachers. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Volume 3: AI, data science, and young people

The proceedings collection of chapters from the speakers at our research seminars from September 2021 to March 2022. This series focused on artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science.

The combined publication is available at:

Perspectives on AI and data science education

Sentance, S. & Waite, J. (2022). Perspectives on AI and data science education. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 3): AI, data science, and young people. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Cross-boundary co-design for learning machine learning

Vartiainen, H. (2022). Cross-boundary co-design for learning machine learning. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 3): AI, data science, and young people. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Exploring the data-driven world: Teaching AI and ML from a data-centric perspective

Schulte, C., Fleischer, Y., Höper, L., Biehler, R., Frischemeier, D., Hüsing, S., & Podworny, S. (2022). Exploring the data-driven world: Teaching AI and ML from a data-centric perspective. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 3): AI, data science, and young people. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

How can we make AI education a priority without using scare tactics?

Luckin, R. (2022). How can we make AI education a priority without using scare tactics?. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 3): AI, data science, and young people. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Engaging children with AI ethics

Aitken, M. & Briggs, M. (2022). Engaging children with AI ethics. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 3): AI, data science, and young people. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Volume 2: Equity, diversity and inclusion in computing education research

The proceedings collection of chapters from the speakers at our research seminars from January to July 2021. This series focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion in computing education.

The combined publication is available at:

Should we be concerned about who is studying computing in schools?

Copsey-Blake, M., Hamer, J., Kemp, P. and Wong, B. (2021). Should we be concerned about who is studying computing in schools? In Understanding Computing Education (Vol. 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars. 

Available at:

Computing for generative justice: Decolonizing the circular economy

Eglash, R. (2021). Computing for generative justice: Decolonizing the circular economy. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol. 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Equity principles for including learners with disabilities in K-12 CS education

Israel, M. (2021). Equity principles for including learners with disabilities in K-12 CS education. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol. 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Localising culturally responsive computing teaching to an English context: Developing teacher guidelines

Leonard, H. C., Kirby, D., Sentance, S., Chinaka, L., Deutsch, M., Dimitriadi, Y. and Goode, J. (2021). Localising culturally responsive computing teaching to an English context: Developing teacher guidelines. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol. 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Why the ‘digital divide’ does not stop at access

Leonard, H. C. and Kunkeler, T. (2021). Why the ‘digital divide’ does not stop at access. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol. 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Equity-focused teaching in K-12 CS: Strategies for teachers, teacher educators, and districts

Madkins, T. C. and Howard, N. R. (2021). Equity-focused teaching in K-12 CS: Strategies for teachers, teacher educators, and districts. In Understanding Computing Education (Vol. 2): Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Volume 1

The proceedings collection of chapters from the speakers at our first research seminars from May to December 2020, covering a variety of topics in computing education.

The combined publication is available at:

Factors that impact gender balance in computing

Childs, K. (2021). Factors that impact gender balance in computing. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Measuring the enacted K-12 computing curriculum

Cole, E., McGill, M., Quille, K. and Vivian, R. (2021). Measuring the enacted K-12 computing curriculum. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

A framework for formative assessment and feedback to support student learning in CS classrooms

Grover, S. (2021). A framework for formative assessment and feedback to support student learning in CS classrooms. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Programming and mathematics: Insights from research in England

Hoyles, C. (2021). Programming and mathematics: Insights from research in England. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Learning artificial intelligence at school with Scratch and LearningML

Rodríguez, J.D. (2021). Learning artificial intelligence at school with Scratch and LearningML. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Teaching programming with PRIMM: The importance of classroom talk

Sentance, S. (2021). Teaching programming with PRIMM: The importance of classroom talk. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

Is it a wave? Linking the abstract to the everyday and back again

Waite, J. (2021). Is it a wave? Linking the abstract to the everyday and back again. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

The role of block-based programming in computer science education

Weintrop, D. (2021). The role of block-based programming in computer science education. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at:

BCTt: Beginners Computational Thinking Test

Zapata Cáceres, M., Martín-Barroso, E., and Román-González, M. (2021). BCTt: Beginners Computational Thinking Test. In Understanding computing education (Vol. 1). Proceedings of the Raspberry Pi Foundation Research Seminars.

Available at: