GCSE – Impacts of technology

Curriculum KS4 Unit


Through a range of real-world examples, students will learn how to identify the specific type of impact, i.e. legal, cultural, privacy, environmental, and ethical. They will then progress to identifying stakeholders who are impacted by technology, and learn how these impacts are experienced, negated, or adapted to.

Unit guide

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Learning graph

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative assessment

Updated: 10 Feb 2023

Summative answer

Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Lesson 1

How does technology impact us?

Lesson 2

The law, data protection and copyright

Lesson 3

The Freedom of Information Act and The Computer Misuse Act

Lesson 4

Cultural impacts

Lesson 5

Privacy and surveillance

Lesson 6

Environmental impact

Lesson 7


Lesson 8
