GCSE – Lesson 3 – Insert, update, delete

Curriculum KS4 Unit Lesson

This lesson continues to build on previous learning where learners were introduced to SQL queries for the first time. In this lesson the learners will understand the purpose of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries. They will have the opportunity to implement these queries using their music database and will be required to draw upon their learning from the last lesson to use SELECT. These queries will be used to help them work out how to solve other problems and to prove that their INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries work. The lesson will conclude by giving the learners a Parsons problem to solve based on an INSERT query.

Learning objectives

  • Describe the function of different data types.
  • Use SQL to insert, update and delete data into a relational database

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework