Year 7 – Clear messaging in digital media

Curriculum KS3 Unit


This unit is designed to build upon learners' experience in key stage 2. It requires learners to use a range of different skills across several pieces of software. Learners will work between different applications to create a poster and slides on a given theme. The unit is designed so that learners can concentrate on applying skills that they may have previously learnt as well as those learnt in the unit. Learners are given clear tasks for which they need to first plan and then implement a solution. A rubric is used to help learners focus on specific aspects of their work. Rubrics are used in the key stage 2 Computing Curriculum, but are designed for teacher’s use. In this unit, learners will need to assess others and self-assess against the rubric.

Unit guide

Updated: 13 Feb 2023

Learning graph

Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Updated: 10 Feb 2023


Lesson 1

Get the message across

Lesson 2

Poster making

Lesson 3


Lesson 4

Creating a brand

Lesson 5

Adding content

Lesson 6
