All blog posts-
Bridging the gap from Scratch to Python: Introducing ‘Paint with Python’
A new activity to support young people as they learn to code Python for the first time
Make a robot: A fun and educational journey into robotics for kids
Dive into the world of robotics and machine learning for children
More Unity: Dive deeper into 3D worlds, game design and programming
Introducing the 'More Unity' project path
Kids’ coding languages
How children can progress through different programming languages
At what age can a child start coding?
The key to introducing coding is to make it engaging, relevant, and fun
How do I start my child coding?
Tips on how to start your child coding using free coding resources and activities
Announcing the first ever European Astro Pi Challenge!
Students and teachers across Europe can enter our new Astro Pi challenge: run your code in space!
The Digital Eagles have landed
The Raspberry Pi Foundation education team trains 25 of Barclays' Digital Eagles
Major League Hacking Local Hack Day
The largest ever student hackathon