News from Carrie Anne Philbin

Carrie Anne’s end-of-year edition of Geek Gurl Diaries had some news in it that might interest you.

The whole of the video (especially the book competition) is likely to be something you’ll find interesting – but the REALLY interesting bit is the announcement that Carrie Anne makes at around the 3:49 mark.

Congratulations Carrie Anne – we’re really looking forward to seeing you on Monday morning!



Congratulations (again)! No one more suited to the foundation!

The Raspberry Pi Guy


What with Ben and Carrie Anne joining, the Foundation continues to go from strength to strength! Great news!


We have an AMAZING team. It’s a great place to work.


s/work/eat cake/


It’s absolutely great when you get to work with a group of people that have that vibe and buzz about them. Raspberry Towers must be a very buzzy vibey place to be!


Thanks Michael.

I’m really excited about Carrie joining the team \o/


Congrats Carrie-Anne. We came to your Sonic Pi session at Bletchley Park in the summer and went away very enthused. We’ve been slowly working through Adventures in Pi over Christmas and I commend you on how each chapter builds on the previous one. Well done.


Fantastic news. No more lesson plans :) yey


Excellent, great to see the Raspberry Pi team growing with yet more talented people.


What happens next? Before we know Raspberry Pi’s will take over the world, leaving a wake of 8gb sd cards behind. I’m sure no one would mind.


We in the Former Colonies applaud Carrie Anne and RasPiFoundation for choosing each other! I think this counts as a force-multiplier. The First Law of Thermodynamics is now in danger!!!


I had to watch with the volume off and the captions on. Carrie Anne has joined the Russian Prime foundation ? is that the FSB? If instead it’s the Raspberry Pi foundation then congratulations.


Félicitations Carrie Anne. Félicitations Foundation & team.

2014 is shaping up to be a huge one!

PS Do you speak French Carrie-Anne?
PPS got Adventures in Pi (&User Guide) too this week – superb! The Turtle section caused an immediate *flashback* to my primary school classroom nearly 20 years ago! Thanks & wishing you further wonderful work in your new job.


Great news. Congratulations Carrie-Anne, and congratulations Raspberry Pi Foundation. Should be a great fusion of talent.


Thanks everyone, I’m very excited.

In answer to your questions:

No I can not speak French (apart from asking for a cup of tea with milk)

Yes I LOVE tea Ben, thanks for asking, milk no sugar.

I turned down Russian Prime Foundation due to relocation issues… Never use the caption option on any of my videos, my estuary Essex/London accent does not translate well.

;) xx




OMG, is that a dance mat?
As in Dance Dance Revolution…


I thought that too… very cool if it is :)


Congratulations! From having met you a few times at London Raspberry Jams (we really need to start them again… if nobody else does then I will once I finish the whole A-Level shindig xD) it sounds like the UK needs more teachers like you – hopefully you’ll be able to do amazing stuff educating teachers with the Foundation!

PS: The automatic subtitles on the video are highly ammusing… :’)


Wait… Carrie Anne Philbin and Raspberry Pi foundation? Can’t wait a single bit!!! Good luck at your new job!

From Matthew


Well done Carrie Anne, I’m sure you’ll have a great time working at the Foundation.


AWESOME automatic captions on youtube :)
Funny examples:
ros be jammed- LOL
Chris math- ?
Austin Pie- What is that?
Ross pajama pants- ???



I’ve just ordered the book – I hope I start learning (well, ‘remembering’ what I learn is actually the challenge!) soon.

All the best for 2014.



Well done to you Carrie. You must be so excited.


Congrats Carrie Anne, on entering the Russian Resident Relocation Program, or whatever CCCP translates into these days! We call it the Witless Protection Program here in the Land of Largesse :D

As a STEM educator, software engineer, former Naval Officer (aka Belly Button Lint Expert), airplane and helicopter pilot, nuclear engineer, ocean engineer, intelligence officer, and volunteer museum senior docent, aquarium animal caretaker, and visitor guide, I salute your shift to the next phase in your career. Don’t worry, it gets easier after the first dislocation (which feels about as good as a dislocated limb, as you now know).

We’re very much looking forward to your future contributions to the Original Flavor reason for the development of the Pi in the first place – education! If you ever make your way here to Silicon Valley, an all-expenses-paid tour (travel to/from NOT included) of the Computer History Museum down the street from Google, Microsoft, etc., awaits at your beck and call (Eben can attest as to whether it’s worth your time – I’m one of the handful of people on the planet allowed to operate our twin of the Babbage Difference Engine in the Science Museum in London). Arriving on the third Saturday afternoon of a month also gets you free admission to our Best Coast version of Raspberry Jams.

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