Does your Raspberry Pi belong in a gallery?

It is a beautiful piece of hardware and I’m sure takes pride of place in many a building, with scores of people gazing upon it in wonder, especially if you’ve hacked it to do something cool. But is it art? Google Developers certainly think so, and have launched Dev Art: Art Made with Code mid-February, as an open platform that allows artists to share their digital art with the world and also detail the process they took to create their work in a unique way. If you have not already checked out the site, then I would highly recommend doing so. Raspberry Pi is listed as a platform, and there are some examples of its use in this project such as the Wireless Poetry Installation.

As well as the Dev Art website, Google have teamed up with the Barbican in London to host an exhibition of digital interactive art this summer and they are offering anyone the chance to exhibit alongside some of the worlds most well known digital artists in this exhibition through their Dev Art competition.

The winning creative coder will receive a budget of £25K, Google Developer support as well as curational and production support from the Barbican to help realise their concept into a digital art installation.


The Top 10 Finalists will have the opportunity to meet the DevArt judging panel during a Google+ Hangout, along with a ‘DevArt Finalist’ award for their site.

We know how powerful art can be in teaching computing skills since working with Dr Sam Aaron on Sonic Pi, and watching our own Artist in Residence Rachel Rayns lead workshops. Now it is over to you! We hope that the wider Raspberry Pi community will feel motivated to submit their projects to the Dev Art competition. Who knows, maybe you could be exhibiting at the Barbican!





The Pi has a 24 billion floating-point operations per second graphics processing unit capable of rendering 40 million shaded 3-D polygons per second in 1080p and 5.1 channel surround sound. With some innovative user interface development, need we say any more about the artistic possibilities?


Is it Art? We just don’t know…


If Andy Warhol’s painting of a can of Campbell’s Cream of Tomato Soup is considered art, and some idiot’s “painting” made from flinging dung on a canvas supposedly representing the Holy Virgin Mary ( can fetch millions and be exhibited in some hoity-toity museum of “modern” art, then I think we can call pretty much anything coming out of the HDMI port on a Pi art, including Scratch animations! :lol:


It’s Art, Jim, but not as we know it


Jim, a bit of a cheap shot I feel. I can assure you that you Chris Offili is not an idiot. Perhaps you could reign it in a little? If someone was to come on here and say that the RPi and everything associated with it were worthless piles of junk you and I would know that they were ill-informed. So why the need for you to express such an opinion on modern art ? (my apologies if you consider yourself to be well-versed in art criticism). I suggest we all stick to our own areas of interest/expertise for fear of sounding stupid and, if not careful, besmirching our reputations and ultimately losing the respect of others. The only place your reputation exists for me is on this forum and by going off piste in such a fashion you have knocked it a bit. I really value all your RPi stuff and see you as one of the most well-informed contributors operating outside the Foundation inner-circle.


Unlike the self-obsessed who overpopulate some parts of the Net, I really couldn’t care less what you think of me. There’s a big difference between art and a PR stunt meant to hurt and spread hate, which is all that some purported “art” is. Bullies only succeed if no one calls them out on it and not challenging bullies is equivalent to supporting them – claiming they have a right to hurt others is outright evil and eventually leads to things like dictatorships, organized crime, terrorism, etc., (knuckling down on seemingly inconsequential crimes in New York soon led to a ~40% reduction in violet crimes because it became obvious that civilized people had had enough). No, I’m not Catholic or what you would assume to be some religious, right-wing nut job, but like pornography, I know hate when I see it, and so does every other person with a conscience, not just me. Shock value alone does not constitute an artistic endeavor, it’s just a means of marketing. Attempts to cordon art off to judgement by a self-appointed group of like-minded elitists are evidence of an unhealthy, excessive juvenile need for attention.

If a Pi were used to produce hateful tripe, whether it was in the form of images, games, text, etc., I would come down just as hard on the perpetrators. Thankfully, the Pi community has, so far, been a haven devoid of people who try to hijack the educational mission of the Foundation’s efforts in order to further their own bent agenda. My bent agenda is the same as the Foundation’s – bending young minds to discover they can achieve much more than their environment would lead them to believe, including recognition of worthless marketing of hate using filth (literally, in some cases) for what it is.

BTW, is your handle meant to signify that you pose a hazard to miniscule, defenseless chickens, or that you’re a threatening cock-a-doodle-doo(-doo – Oooo, look, I made some outrageous, filth-based art, it must be hung in a museum right now or I will have a fit)? If the latter, congratulations on being able to type with those feathery appendages ;)


Jim — I know that YOU know from long experience that when a discussion on the Net gets to the point of ridiculing names it’s time to take it off forum. So gents: if you want me to swap email addresses then let me know. Otherwise: Dev Art, isn’t it lovely? ;)



Cluck, cluck. I was just trying to be say how much I appreciate your contributions on all things RPi but how on this matter I thought you had crossed the line. Btw I am Catholic and thanks for opining on my behalf. Lets leave it there eh ?


*Pours oil on troubled waters with a joke*

Q. What does the “B” in Benoit B Mandelbrot stand for?
A. Benoit B Mandelbrot.


When I was in Finland in November I went to the Kiasma(Museum of Contemporary Art) and lots of the media displays there there driven by RPis.

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